Act 1, Scene 3: Full Scene Modern English (2025)

First Witch

Where have you been, sister?

Second Witch

Killing pigs.

Third Witch

And you, sister?

First Witch

There was a sailor's wife with chestnuts in her lap, which she ate, and ate, and ate. 'Give me some,' I said. 'Scram, witch!' she yelled. Her husband, the captain of the ship Tiger, is on his way to Aleppo. I’m going to sail there in a kitchen strainer to overtake his ship, and take on the form of a tailless rat so I can sneak on board. Then I’ll get my revenge.

Second Witch

I’ll give you control of a wind from one direction.

First Witch

That’s nice.

Third Witch

I’ll give you another wind.

First Witch

I myself control the winds from all the other points of the compass, and thus I can control access to any port.

I’ll keep him at sea until his fresh water runs out so he’s as dry as hay. I won’t let him sleep, night or day. He’ll be denied everything. He’ll waste away, kept exhausted for eighty-one weeks. Although I can’t destroy his ship, I can hit it with storms. Look here at what I have.

Second Witch

Show me, show me.

First Witch

I have the thumb of a sailor who died in a shipwreck just before he reached home.

Third Witch

I hear a drum, a drum! Macbeth is coming.


We witches, hand in hand, speedy travelers on sea and land, circle around like this: three times for you, and three times for me, and three times once more makes nine all together. There, the spell has been cast.


I’ve never seen a day so terrible and so great at the same time.


How far is it to the royal palace at Forres? [Startled by the sight of the witches] What are these creatures? They are so withered and wearing such wild clothing that they don’t look like anything earthly. Yet they’re clearly here in front of us. Are you alive and can you talk? You seem to understand me, since you’re signaling me to be quiet by putting your gnarled fingers on your thin lips. You look like women, but I hesitate to say for sure that you are since you also have beards.


Tell us, if you can speak – what are you?

First Witch

Greetings, Macbeth, Lord of Glamis

Second Witch

Greetings, Macbeth, Lord of Cawdor

Third Witch

Greetings, Macbeth, who will someday be king.


Macbeth, why did you just jump and why do you seem frightened by something that sounds so good? [To the witches] Tell me the truth – are you imaginary or are you really what you seem to be? You greet my friend here with his current title, but also with the title of Lord of Cawdor, and the prediction that he will become king. He’s so amazed he can’t speak. But you’ve said nothing to me.

If you can see the future and know what will happen, speak to me. I’m neither begging nor afraid of what you know, whether it’s good or bad.

First Witch


Second Witch


Third Witch


First Witch

You will be lesser than Macbeth, but greater.

Second Witch

You will not be as happy as Macbeth, but much happier.

Third Witch

Your sons will be kings, though you will not. So greetings to you both, Macbeth and Banquo.

First Witch

Banquo and Macbeth, we honor you!


Wait, you haven’t finished. Tell me more. I know I inherited the title of Glamis when my father, Sinel, died. But how can I be Lord of Cawdor? The Lord of Cawdor is still alive and well. As for me becoming king, that’s hardly believable, just as unlikely as being Lord of Cawdor. Tell me where you learned this strange information, and why you’ve stopped us in this wasteland to greet us with these prophecies. I order you to tell me more.

[Witches disappear]


It’s as if the earth has bubbles, like water does, and these creatures just evaporated. Where’d they go?


Into the air. They seemed physical enough, but they’ve melted into thin air. I wish they had stayed.


Were they real, or were we hallucinating?


Your children will be kings.


You’re going to be king.


And the Lord of Cawdor, too. Didn’t they say that?


Their exact words.


Who's that?


Macbeth, the king was happy to hear the news of your victory. When he heard of the personal risks you took in the fight against the rebel Macdonald, he was so astonished and amazed that he was at a loss for words. In other reports from the same day, he heard of you fighting the Norwegians, showing no fear as you spread the field with their corpses. Report after report came flooding in with good news of your bravery in defending the kingdom each time.


We were sent by the King to give you his thanks. We’re to usher you to the court where you’ll receive your reward.


As an indication of even greater honors waiting for you, the King instructed me to address you as Thane of Cawdor. Greetings, Thane of Cawdor. That title is now yours.


What? As they say, “Sometimes the Devil speaks the truth.”


But the Thane of Cawdor is alive. Why are you addressing me by a title that isn’t mine?


The man who was Thane of Cawdor is still alive, but under a death sentence, which he definitely deserves. I don’t know whether he joined the Norwegians, or just gave them assistance and money, but the capital crime of treason has been proven against him and he’s confessed. So that’s the end of him.


[Aside] First Glamis, and now the Thane of Cawdor! But the greatest title they promised me is still in the future. [To Ross and Angus] Thank you for your trouble. [To Banquo] Doesn’t this make you hope your children will be kings, since those same creatures that promised me that I would be Thane of Cawdor promised the crown to them?


If you trust them completely, it might encourage you to obtain the crown in addition to the Thane of Cawdor. But it’s strange how sometimes the Devil tells us the truth about minor things to gain our trust, and then deceives us when the stakes are high. [To Ross and Angus] Friends, may I have a word with you?


[Aside] These two predictions given by the witches seem like the prologue at the beginning of a play with a royal storyline. [To Ross and Angus] Thanks, gentlemen.

[Aside] This supernatural message can’t possibly be bad, but it seems impossible that it’s good either. If it’s bad, why has it promised me success, by starting with a prediction come true? I now am Lord of Cawdor. But if it’s a good thing, why am I considering doing something which is so horrible that it makes my hair stand on end and makes my heart beat against my ribs unnaturally? Nothing I have feared in real life is as horrible as what I’m imagining. My thought of murder is still just imaginary, but it unsettles me so much I can barely function because I’m overwhelmed by speculating about it. The only thing which seems to exist is what I’m imagining.


Look, our friend is very distracted.


[Aside] If Fate wants me to be king, well, then it can crown me without my doing a thing.


It will take time before Macbeth is comfortable with his new title, just like it takes a while before we are comfortable in new clothes.


[Aside] Whatever happens will happen. Time keeps on going forward even through the worst of days.


Good Macbeth, we’re waiting for you.


Forgive me, I’ve been trying to remember something. Kind gentlemen, I will make sure to commit to memory the trouble you took today. Let’s go see the king. [To Banquo] Think about what’s happened, and later when we’ve had time to reflect on it, let’s discuss it frankly.


Sounds good.


Until then, that’s enough for now. Let’s go, friends.

Act 1, Scene 3: Full Scene Modern English (2025)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.