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- The Advertiseri
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- Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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- 17
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17 THE ADVERTISER ADELAIDE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20 1926 SOCIAL NOTES JOB CONTROL THE COUNTRY OBITUARY LATEST CABLE NEWS COBtiatad from ace 9 TROUBLE AT CANBERRA WEDDINGS NEW SOUTH WALES DEATH AN APPRENTICE OBJECTION TO A GANGER Ur crib) of Ireland 4 lue local brane ui iuc Natoaal Bank OPHUG CHEMOIOS TWO HUBS I DfflUUTIES by Mui ll'su ud Mi (TgfeMiasa) Mm oote (Ifcbm) 01 Bride (Hiteronrte) LAWN TOMS LAWED WITH A WHk tetcni with tnllla Mr C'jrfe Lbja'i lxrn aid inr Urine SiU WOOL SALES MKMnqj ocrjNg iwouj Murphy A (XUvo i Bstb Ham Masais BLgta Middlatem Thap bsM wood THE ONTARIO ELECTIONS cUroM to ft and CoUnctoru Min la bee Mia Aadnscn pfo Oeoda BUI wa debated ia Coauatt A Loagooicom 1 Ion end Mario trnetl cemroirie la Mn A WkH Mr nJ ivaea: were: A NOTANLS BUDGET SAER THAN RAILWAYS boliy 0 Gleen Joom tero' Tko MiuisRro ate ho could not accept Mauri addiiiotol tteva amtha CONDmON ROADS throe yeaia Yelland aad Clair? 4 Cape Brook Mimes Holin Mr HOUMJPS IN MELBOURNE text Woldiag 4 Mbs 1 Sorthep test rade Bfaeicwte a Uirl jde) Mr Tn taelT irtrreu nrs a re Ptatad fttZd 11' wJmJ Hu Ucwate (brad turbo) Knglsnd If aaybod: GOL 'btet A oooM be fnod that be bed awrtfafe would ao be fts aai lor Xagel Me teippaw wrero A CLESCOB WEST October Crfd attag piteMme eight NEW ZEALAND WeTiagtoa October 9 ftil oho and bearing was adjourned Wright kU and 0 teTMlta A CffT TO BRISBANE BOXING ANATCCM riMET ADELAIDE TO PERTH HAWMOSD HOTBR barren aotiPcaticn ft ho trmnter to tbe MtKbborA LttU aretlitod vbmr bb Boteui ate Roberta lust tu Henley and I Stotft I Wctdca bate ate Jack Maguire phfUR tddy Mte React ate Orhire Brink a MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS RILE SHOOTING Oetobc with th niteraauve ot oaoatU' impri 1 riiugt tte dob's eaten io berth gntre ate Itml (Adelaide) oeroiao tte elMUm eelrnro Ml: tee titepterd BaatWor Gilterte ate Keaton Merte tub am Ike Ciocrtu crlteet pitrt had bete ei Mr KAIHS1 neuter I' ll tte Madina and Mrs 1 Tte aaptelt rwu on teadtooa i tr 'aeuni te tte ordnr atertly Carlton Mrt CYCLING 'ttbot month reported that ite eni ie tte BwpMI Bente duraig tte taottell awn THE MIGRATION COMMISSION Mr Cock Mr ate Mrx TOUT AnCLAtliE fcMMEVS JMSSW DCATH OLLOWS INJURIES a tte iterate at tan preiiteat te accept tho nd Mm Cllflord Mr and Nv Hp ek IC't mmoaweelth Tapi had ahovn dance Bogrn Mi tribiiT and wm until Nivttnbte cineri il Mrlu hlm Mr rhi I Mi LIVESTOCK SALES 5ACKABX Oteter 1 and MHtetne October I the work of Mr 8uiiy oa teSill nt I PUlltpa itt" rn an Parlor Brjok in n'lTr te oie and 1 ttem SOLDIER SETTLERS MeCi: 0 fleam Hiauna'i and ScVoLsNO 12i I Mi ni I Nil V15CK AT WILLOUI liRIlM PAt! II J'A tlr rare XorrU Bhnrftna Mi 1 Ibttu InbO'l tat Lam be toe Catofat A Ui' II Mill! QK ABvcftfoer PrMteg Office teatcly KMWAW Th Mi rttobA Hi ft tti Nite suet fftnueataniy Howard mete aintmt player McKay Th aMWtanal arrangiiiU were ia Ute had ef Mx A tWeamgam Oteru: Caorten I' Oetea A ourty Campbell tentami KotelM toaterto lterwtrtt 1 POBTbant at tenth jcr Mrt Hauiane Uluiudea Uae otbee Hr Taylor vat the bead te lb Baadlwtfeet braacb the SatiuMl Bank Mr Mclteagli trained nma car cmauttee van taU a dar aimlac wte tt fcctend to tal tte the tCiltelm i Bxyn' (end'r WAeim 1 on a Hack WUhelm'i ate? ard pl anrire Keeling (bon SMALLPOX AT REMANTLE hrnae three toe PtaeAarOr tern acene ei a Pioiiotl ill eete el a tit ttaadafte 81 tom wlteaca te a to eneoihr tbe faith and cere mtoil te the Chtnrb would bo repreeeBt lire te the Seem midt i th Church Hr Uttitem Groom (Briobae) iter to Mr Laax Mr erity tted th Prttoier MW swv WBIMi Mrato'n Cahiil and Tte tested that Mr Neon At to eigbt'e weHing te tbe ten eeee ci a Ki tare for Mr end In ibmbmi 1 Meelimm Bioin WaUb rnm aar and ageecbea Tin Je Briruanc had aot Caeulatlee haea Haadieae a utm BALAKLAVA enentag a el I Mm end Mr It vd4 Arrangementa tte ike teat at the ee mary (Mr AiiartLj'MA toria) up and 1 to play A ludeiTe (Victoria) beef trnith (Victoria) 1 up Clark tXev teurh Valee) teal I) tipeK (Sev Booth Valeo) 1 ep and I te play The feiliiwiag ia tte dnv tor tte third Mad ft match play ate tor tbe eooaolattae i Tuvn Hall on Tuen la lr whi illor blade ant C'emelllcr Marra (Wyr dvllle DiMrict UoaeeU) tomauM (X Balmat Cmmlaatoner ar: Mra A trimmer i ill ter flym i Anv irali etpeeieUy wmb on beer tn misd Manter Alla ibnoB tebper those I'ltient arete Mr and Mra Harold Jotkaia Mr nd Mru Pm In Wllfhom Mtn litre Miiaea Thelma Jotenou Odgrra TMK PROPOSES AIR ROUTE Moibewme 08 tela IB BIBTKDAY PABTT AT BEEUSU On oofr It an enjoyable eeaeiag vaa epea' arley ala be voted fortnight Ilonrevrr utotactorily at pr eent it a ly iWvodrJL Monre (or4AUaiBr ahowod th leant deciinc and aeedria were firm iw reply to queetiou by th leader te the OwaftcioM (Mr Bartai aoid he vmtd NyJney October th Lcgialative Aancmbly to day in Vljr to qufteio by Nir Healey the lMBir (Mr Laax) aaid be waa not a rare that Che financial credit te Ch fiuu seeded lebahilititias Tbe hour neek wp mMilila oaly to a alight xtet fm th Mcuscy the year' waking SUPREME TRIBUNAL AGREED TU kleacdo and Kelly toot to tonxrville an ttte i i batteby and Goading beat oeeck amd Both 4 Ck and Patch Btrr end Silparorth 3 thiporerth juo au OTtoa lou to Parry amt Poctek 2 6 rmiieutor af tim war actuieted reveeo £1AB The Grficit anded to tbe present overdraft would rain the overdraft te £5jBt fie mayorMr itagmild) aaid tarn dl A Kmipi9 Km Mr A Berry hirI la4cr Jack nncaa Mu Um ver Banter Taylor Mai er Rex Kcx Mailer Mt Madd ra Mi ter A Maatcn Patrol Loader Van Ullott Maaer GnruaJncer Mincer ink Adam Manter Holgaa Mra A McLecd Mr Joiiua RECORO AIR SERVICES NelboMiM October IB Tbe ettiwet te Sir Stetm Braackcr Director te Civil AvittioB ia Grout Bri irj Hux' rvr ni COXHTG AGE PABTV At tbe Marlanda leetebit Hall on Qtote THE ANGLICAN CON VENTION iyor uH thtt ftitwdp I the TRURO DISTRICT SEASIDE PICNIC ir lir Mint bul'eev iaptain Kovtly 1'J A bnrarw and Mftoay AmuUg tbton uu nerol Mtedamea Eri aoa hioocun Buruoit and Tomer Bda Holland Bilto taUe mueh letomad is tbe pomcbiliUea te cwryisg th Eegliab smile fnm ro atolo to Adelaide Th weted mens thettbe totel would mr in Melbourne THE GOVERNMENT POLICY TOBOSTO OteoLur i Tbe ergeeJto Gereramesl will couteut th election yoiicr te Govwnmet1 control te liqaar ue eoepled with io option LONDON October 19 Th Impavial Cteerec wan opened day Th Prien Minuter (Mr Baldwin) welcomed th Dominion Prim Minirurs who replied The Dominion Secretary (Mr Amery) epoke The firat buftiaee te the Confercnea woa Bsasimoae maaswto of greeting ard fidelity to tb King and Queen The pr eeadiap ver adjourned till to morrow alter two beam of formuiitiee the dlntrict BOBB1KA Octabte STATE PARLIA MENTS THE GERMERSHEIM AAIR BERLIN October it Lieutosanta Reuamr and Killer rench MEDICAL BOARD PROSECU TIONS waa on a par with last year In virv te tbe ctat of ita financm tb eeasmti de tided not te negotiate farther far the pur chan of a otem loud rteiar vtoeh weted COM £1J The director te th Loen! Gum rament Department adviaed th town council is a letter read at to meeting thft 'he petition aubmitted to Pariiamt on June 3B lent praying (dr the altmtkm te tbe exiatin ward banedarita within tb municipality had bee mwwted Sydney Ortober It Tb Anglic CuSvenUoa reamed ita tettia toftay BALAKLAVA CBOOfTR CLUB The opmlag ft tha Balaklava Orupait Cab ptriimeJ oa Katurtay by itoa QaHte at rb fcuth Park Cteb toi Asha Mall (fir'aidant) reoafel her geaat at to mtraa Hill Mr and ftm Prrry Mr and Mr Mariter Mr uxt Mr Beft Mr 'l AA HB each vol agninat tb (tovem Mr arley meatioaed Alderman alder a narni and is tbe treaence te th ton with lir arrar MLC rmanbng tbe bribing te any Labor amber Mr Lm MAA aaid he hte mm feUatiion te eosveraatiam with Mr ar HeovIL Mr Kniwan aad in touutbv Grutey Mr and Mr Graham Mr and Mr XOBTH WESTERW YP AXSOCUtlOS Cuulige erm Irtbortoa Lvwl and Thnday (Cuaiige) toac Power and Ptoier (Arthurian) I Jbrihey aad Tren benb beat Krrtoy and Petkr 4 LJiaai A Perkin Tucker toft Gurry Rhode Goode GOLD IMG IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE CAULHELD RAILWAY SMASH 4 Mua A Wave and Mm Aldan luat to Mn Move and towCce irtta Ito ir Mnf a filly ling fa irj in id re Tlw vji a rjHou Mr fajft MXC rmeHed admitted boring bad a conrarmtioe with Mr ar Uy at the Lbcg Daily" tek and alen that be had bed drinh him is an beteL Mr Lkuarmi (Chief Secretary) mid Mr arley had told him that bo tod tbe eos Mraee te tho Natimiaiift Party and had Men raq nested by Mr amr to am whether Burt hMr 1 Whirr rthrwwmm ier 1 Saple Barter HarrU aad Mamtvt M'tJtor Pitv Jeaa Clark aad Multi Kennedy an Meaara Donald Mipkte George lopur Loo aad rank QriuteX Axmg tunhm AS with IA to Mim bcm a a wtiiuag 1 mu ai pars to Ailiam 7 acts li game PAaxroa team vemm Viee captaiu'e Angel and Dewhimt laat to hilUday nd Weymouth nf Jupaan Vivb RIRPRISC PAHTT AT T80MAW9 PLAINS A ntojaaat urpr prty waa taaJeA 4 Mr Lejby lamgmirv Harper llorm A Cooper Harper IL flmarl Mirpur Horne Smart ButterflelL flawtlry Bebmoa Harpv Maokir Cooper Browne MeVicar Itaaftoed Browa Mitchell and Jactm toeme Johuaou easer mileng of 563419 To lite no paying paaacojera have bee fatally in jured tb sd te Asgmt SOMR tera wen cirried and to the end te Sep tember Tb te freight talceu by air to people loving ia oatbeck place hen and Edna Anden Giafye QirtatUa C'areace Xelteer BmJ7 wm nervH kirn kt Wermmb SkipworUi Micara Banc as Broea lost to Mtk Kel'y and Mrn Kelly i Newton Rma Hi ad beat Mirnce Jenaer and Bweaut Mia Bieharda gad Mim lak lM to Minxe OonLn McMahon 144: ill HnAet lib S'nnzrr 185 McMahon IS4 Bwf wrer of Rid Ruuily 145: org judre gie VI uULUgtOu Branch oi that Bank Ito (lucle ten) Mr Hillman (Nriyirid) Mr Itovia querv Ur Gua (Ri ti Mr Gum (clown) Mr Lui L'rbp (ol i Cai'luli Mr Br (gent trim Ne Vork) Mr Cliff Stac (darkle) Mr IL Bai to prime M' ri Hi Wt hr goo to 1 rnr tn woni () 79 McMahon 7 (4) 79: Chain i lrait S3 (3) 38 8 Otta Park' to Bruce Mtoa toira Bcrfnr Mr and Mr Piamm Mr Mt or jn4 Mv Mr aU Wre Jam BIRTHDAY PAM3T Am aajoyote ewaaf waa epent ft tbe rctideaee uf Mr aad Mr Harold fihuam Gaw ler aveme Ina WellsaJ to celebrate the Iftb birthday at tbeir daughter Tlnhaa T5a pr gramme eoaalfted ft gamae mal Bena and dvaciag aad a enmpetttlaa waa wm by Mb Band laias also er tik a prosiomt per: were nuperla ete eot Philw aa i Deputy Vennlo (b red Xe Voimtr ir Hrgjiei ''4 Matr Kr tere he Butterttold Reynolds Coope II White A st naan Ma tor Hawkta Lmg altt tonorth Cooper bpeoe MABOHETA ILL'S DA3CK The ft the ManAita Ciao pn tbeft hot daa of mo aeaaoa AatunLy aigh: la ft Igiiaitu' Bal Norwood ILaa Bermmt aad arc apan ylng ariau aepptteJ tte mmic aai Kipper was provided by the Ldtoa ft Ike 4 Wfton ft tn aja play ia Sew Zealand amateur aaU dumpieetol uaa the defeat of 1 Marriaea th Be South Walm ihamplm by SYDNEY BRIBERY ALLEGATION (Continued frm Pag IX) ftoBu MLilpia litet lo Man'll 1 6 aottt beat Num Mania 3 beat Pengtlly 8 8 Hiiau beat Bmugtoon Vera Martin tear MarinZ oreman teat to a Kim Way beat Mra Mim Martin Mr Aldam teat Mr Mart Mia I ft 10 191 a roni ert be granle! t'u 19t8 :7 only tt I tag dkriardly jn letatooJ t'u PORT IRIfrl October At tb Harrier Hotel IK eTeoiaj rei'teecGlaivca 01 lb eaabag etttuufcee tonal and mduatriaf apDetes aaai to well to Mr kV Davtdaua uh eala ft the Imtw Buriag CtmnptoaMito teM touftte Bmftts: Sbipt re Traeger Henrietta ttudiiirelch Gladye Chrta Lout fch'oter Edna Mriarvb MeCia Schaef Hilda Maire Orton mft AmMm Nrindorf id Mita KLx Been Baft Ttamm (lireo'e Nridner Jack AAaetoc Unto Ttemn (Krealagtm Gariml rank Andrea Arthur and Arnold Steamer Will rahm Bmy leeter Jack and Victor Tbaoaa RAILWAY ACOOU3TW SOCIAL CUIB Au eujoyabl dmft waa held I tte Railway irieiicwio laaraqay u3e4 a lire programmey sif 10r Angisaml' a JSQtefiU S'i Rt tel ler provided fl (' h'anlih Strafford WlViame Keelae MrA Iam ScbhpeluL and Bourn SOCIAL AT WIRLING WEST The annual tirlal of the Mrent Hotit ul tutjl and itlruliural Hoelety wm telu at tl" trlng Toma Hal October 1 Mr I Ou Mile Handicap Pulton tor Rlcliards 3 vto 1 Gardiner aad Rk hard IL ftaadiMi 13 Stral feed fS Witilain aad tom wfy 4r Cvrmodv and Welh 80: Heeia i au (1 4 mm 80 Knibbe and Jaraarh 90: Atartissr Priatiaf Office Adelaide Sweatees terete auteaisd a (rae terd teuO and wee admitted to th Mel been Htepital where be died ea fiaiur Reynold and Tidy Amaeer Lime Gran Gedga aad Bale Mitfim i and Doe 1 SaSo Pridmore Blaaka n'i'llasre Jeffrey Hay A Daly Rane ck AU a A Woofitouae William £MIN OR A SITE Btiabane October 1 The Mayor ansueaeed to th Briefcase Bmytbou aad WOhrim atmW Mr uuxume bi a itm Kribd' Mr Donald McDonald f47i of GoTJ terete Collingwood wa kn'x'ke i don Mr and Mn i A 1 Eyre Mr ate Mra Rugiru Mr and Mr Gray Mr and Mr Llunrongh Mr end Mra A Vhiuto aad Mr lud Mr Pueoii Mimea re dehuielina Von Einem an 1 Jirmai JOO Grivri) Richatda ate Mkl S4u and Ann Three Mile Rare 3 ull in fl cHAuftup Mr Uughea tmanageirt tu Port Piito biaach) ward tort Mr Dav daon'a acivioea an accuuatant Bad bee tovaiuaBe to him and tbe bank ti atanced aevarni yrumiaent bauK ng nfip ito who Lad tvcCitcd lire gi'ouauiag te their pcultoaiuu a ort Puac Mr A eOVERNMENT DEEAT Mclbouree October IB Tb wte Gevmteat ver to digut do ated by 33 votea 23 on a by tbo UppMittoa that th Hotme ndn orn tol ataternent by lb Premier (Mr AUaa) that the (n rem meat hi I det ded wot to interfere with th draaion of th KaUwayu Comtatanioirera tv eborg Motor ma Milvaia before th Dtempliun rd with a breech of departmental Milvain wa recently acquitted by a jury an a charge of MuaTaagbtar In coonacta with tn tragic railway ataaab at the Caulfield railway rtatiou Sydney October IE Itoft night an apprentice from th tan ker Bntddi Mariner who wa landed from td vr tocl ou busday uSc rog irom rai pox ana taxon to oodman qutmutin autioa died of the diseaM ateward who wa landed aa a contact well The apprentice wa Speiri in ottdereiocft that be wa a utiv ft um sold Cnj lL plaatBC haa eomm aend Mu Murift Bagaa the rgaaia craiary ft the PALAraet tbe Aldema Burk agnia raae bteoc tb eemmittte and mldL detered to rvpy dink A Pool' Ei rery 3 Eteary rri A hise vr 3 Devtst tl raary Allri IL Kerley lire it axiora imgns dteked and the name te Btr Bemud Mtedara and airfax wm alee ma 'Med Th wbote matter of Mr Kaya appoiatmmit te tbe Meat Board wa fixed btete Mr arter cam feewwd with ba teitHsmL Tb witaem dented that th Ptwmrar bad oraunM Mr arley a job for life Mr Laag did ny it vaa a awful thing that two aante were wn tie aid opret with eubddiee over regular route Waters way Ltd iaaagurvled it nervice in De eembft RE) QLNTJIS in November 123 and tbe Loopia Company fAuatra'n Aerial Hervieee Ltd) ia June W24 with a weekly aerric between Adelaida and fiydnry July 1925 the laatniaed wrvito was dteeostiaued am! tbe preacot on iaaagunted Thea Adelaioe Cootamssdra 373 mile one aoch ray weakly Broken HEl Mildura 1S1 mile twic each way weekly and Ibotirre tlie firut Th dalendaut On tbe aecm 1 The Weteera Aaatra'ian aerric 1 from Perth to Derby (142 mile) at i the Qncesdand ferrite from to Camooweal (1AB rail) Th total di taito down weekly by the eompatoe 7J73 mile Vp to Beptembet 3)129 marhiae dirhta bad been male ner a distance te L23BAR mil re and the ura down ver NJK Over aiagte stage Mr ate Mn ttageraft Mi ate Mra Brilto Nr ate Mra A Dftltag Mr ate Mr laenire Mr ate Mra Dick Mr ud XobU 0 Mrs Crore teat Mim Mas Trnberh beat Mr re Divu beat Mra Atiaei Tatili Cguliff 1 109 game Arthur Me boned three Mr cent te tbe JTM bo handled by th aerial Mkjoe Breurimr outlined th route whirfi be mM woela be in four atagea Tlhm a ana the mum's aalery fiinac th ela Snaacial yrar Tim ear bid been roll tar ate approxi mately SO bad been haafed oaar to th taad ft uj creditable that tbe aamey tte tent rated Tb main eoecidrratio wa wbtebm traflte would justify th at 8 company would cater for WRBt wit matter fierce tons or RMS latten firt clam matter were Dr auj Mr Hanrl il m' lea hd able leaft An evrel rt i 'a worramme contributed by Amy 1111 ALC an Mia May ATb rt ani VtaTTiw pr vl by a Point A settle ate ani flkipumtb Mb end ltrs Kdwaris laat to Muues Smith eni Weymouth 4 Mire Conlon and Mra O'Dej tea' Miree Jewsvr ate Rtrharab 4 Totals Captaln'a leum 1 set St rimra Vira team 10 tots 11 lade 31r 8 Ajdugban held a mauaga alup Nur oizipa AU Lucas bad a rpoaauri piiji in tb Loudon odbre A BASKETBAI SOCIAL Vnor at wlmtog be YMCA ptvteerriiip tte member at iritodlTVm Kto fiJSIEMI SkDBH J( aril I ate Mley Mill Shafter Ita Weldeateck Xribftto Kemp MultaafImepklno Kemp Genre Klaeba Erere Woodard Aria Newell KaiM rina Brymra Lilly Xonvll Xeilto Rictardmia (touniugham Mrs trm Seld Ivy atueil Mabel Oliver Lincs a th Davto Merer red A Cterra I Bov L'nes Mah9BC (Lipin JLive BertforL teynauar Scott II Mit' bril red Xinaaaa Tteteltof Bmham teace Village Heimi Lynn Pope 3 Parkes Alec HoJjoen mkio Reeves WEDDING INVITATIONS ARD ERGAGEAUERT CARDS i nitlna (yice penidiata) Btoatt Hudeiid Kraus LtoUa Lloyu Potter 4 4oatt tt 41 nil lad Duaa Brae deu Mririiy Blimtden Bota A Lloyd Laaby Royal Aret A Swoar 3 Lodi RAInann Soreren Acpnwate with Geotre Haan IM: CapUia utlrr 1ST 138 3 httiour 133: niton 134 Grate: Bouil 161 sey lire Hancock 15) and ewptinaally Inch tkte held up tbe fr jrmj ULUQXL thtober Tire wlem) AlJevwv Lawtra rantliu Hill Cvner Ro Mason Mceet Neville Merer ba H11 Milk Woolen Jtiveit IHlkmaii Kdwank Rte era Dowdy C' opar 'toriirer HustaM Dw ton Nanoin Sbut leworth and Waj cbop KTMATHALBYX IUVDICAS The fol train are the handicap (amused Mr ft ptew): RsU mll nandicap Richteb are Carately S3 yde rmoty and WeP 50 Cm te Kelbb Jaenxb 45 Shene and McAdam 3n A da inch Solrepeltua an 1 Von lnea 33 Griv Blcharda ate Mills 63 ate CeJDhAM 7a Kraw Murrey ie dy was ihiriaca'y pree of aaaia'liut tcrearb pwhre'nc inatrj monia riwuire en atei thatr tli new inetrt today Kwhi Horn Day cWb ft MM Gambier met tbe total enckft learn tb home groute Tb (aw at the vieiroe WflUanm (81) The pNmiar isfermed Mr Hhis that be would prewut the Budjot itatnat at tb mriieot Mtebfe mMMnt wt Vlrtnrj vreum Maitlate (Be Ata'll ft Mai late riterttlem ft Doabira Joharen ate CoUta Ism to MvDonaM ate Oaklev 8 Jaw MM Wnttem lost to Bell ate Bitblg ate laeeboao teat SiWutto ate Sebum 3 Gwi Iemea's Staple Johaete heat ttikley Colliaa left to MeDauld A1 lo Hilbig beetell 1 Trrbcarae beat aawtreb Race bone beat Sebalra a a Ladkft Doubles Rardr M'rees PiHU tnd MJler I Mt RenftU ate Hte trama lent tu Mss 6 reach ate Oaty 4 Udk' lo' i to Mire iatre 3: Mt Hareld Bataa ft air Vtow utft Maaaum to epealnf a hftUay at tte aebte toure Mlm Cria to epatetog a boliiay a tbo ftty Mr Care bos returned fttoe apendhig a boUnay at Belalto Mmtk INE IN ERMEANE friabane Oetebor 1 Aoeerdiag to th proaeeuUoa is tbe bora moua Court to day and th ruling vcs by tb mACistnto every doctor of density doctor of law eoetor ft acience doctor ft dfuUatry and doctor ft philosophy who i sot ruqiatarte i Queensland as a medi cal practitioner ia liable to punirhment under a law Mated last year Dr Dj Maurier who bolds the dlploa ft doctor Conway (nigC Mr vct (nobi) Mr hyj Arthur (Dkive Mr Hjw art IIMWIH) Mr ttooff uri (gotlyw Mr Martin Bread (rareerawy Mr Ml'ler (j lerro:) ate Mr Itutan (etorrot) Other pre cn: arte Mr sad Mra Blljh M' CtnUtRESH ROUC The Bn Sldln morjJ Hal! waa tha aeewe ft a frofco oa October 14 Tbe dr ol Hie Ira il ecbo il Mteaded each drearad In enatma and whra marahaDeU liy ta tetohera made imp ong Tbe fr ilte ope' 4 with otoneke aad wm llowed by Mew yh duftrea and ijrun caiidrea dutt Muiic was reeftred lin The te Mr i tottoft Hrento Gnte ng toraa Sage Gttea HL IV Aadny Crecaiagi Lak Greeniag Grade VL Jana Mucr 'lth Kelley Matter Mar Bull Miw rr Royre keky Mr 3 33 Goeaer Mr 3 A iu rre Mr abias Nr John Mr Miu wi Hr A VacUsn Mm Barre: Mr Buli'i Mr Mr Itorry MicJreel Plen ate Mr MHixk THE IMPERIAL CON ERENCE THE PROEWONAL TOURNAMENT Srdoey October 19 Tbe mcoed rMnd ft match play in tbeSuB Herald fiolf tuoruamrot fi wae eamftetod at Kanftngtos thia after teo and three New booth Wale ay Souter Clark and Eyvr together with A Lefevre (Victoria) wee loft io Ik floaur (Saw South Wale) treat Th Ttemaan (Vtotaria) 8 ate ftay: GARDKX CTE AT WOODVILLE Tte visit ft hto Escallency iba Governor (Hr Tom Bridge) to Votevilla on Saturday ta oa ne riton wiih tte loea! Boy Seoul movemeai re oiLei happy eoIlectioM ft hi Bnelleacy'a Gift the town just three u4 a half year ago On tetnrday bto Kxrellency (or i a Hrecch nail ni! lau''nflirotor (Hr McLernon) na I the ft: id Stott loattellere ly Praia Mr and Mr teraons Mr ate Mra Mr ste Mra GUi Mt nd Mra I'urd! Mr end Mr lint: Mr a i ra EL sclir rr Mr and Mra Hri'era Mr nd Port AdriiH ia (Mr ami Mt A Tappi large gathering ft ci'ran int re tod in 'hrk ft tte i a al luma re ci tli 1'jrt Adelaide ramoe quest ha na airtick a violent How on the jaw resdering him uneooacious Wh rn be recovered Mr Rfley found that handbag vhich be wm teiijisc aad whkh Lained ei gk xl ieeUutotata and aacsey had bees stales nHvkn Mr Ml ft the mlldriti) i I IT oa be' ill skbofrello barman and Von wm 100 Crliril Ricnarft ia ate Minis I'' a IW urn 130 ate Gardter 14S Two Mile Uteri Mt nline 1 lu)MP AT fifiirsEroA Richard and Gardlnra 20 Mandieh 30 3 Mratfort 3 Cartandy and BROVGHTOS CUR Th tbe arm on took plaira oa Octole IS Soft SOO aad aAn Vaeda Cneiditlor i Ei riit liota ate two aigtii re biariicap luai 49 ach range int Ouaway SI id) 33 Grarye Staaa MID T0RXE PEnXSCLA ABMK3UTMNI A Grade Paet Tlrtorta vaeam Maltlate (L Ata) Port Vic Double It warde ate Vtlaoa teat GoMjW ate Kelly TUbrtek ate Hinaks beat Jarrett ate Parnell 1 Btcterdiek ate Clanwtte teal NeMahi aal Thomas Geaitemek8 3 Edwarta test Kelly 8 1: Wilton teal Gordoa TUhreak beat Thanas 6 I Hincfcs beat Jarrett Slckrad'i'k lnt to Parnell 8 Claraette beat Mra Matas Latter Mra WUt ahire sad Ute A Hardy beat M'm Burt an i Mlirewoeth Mra Xewtoa ate M1m Wilton beat X'reaa Allen and Kennedy tad left Mra VJnbire Iret to Mte Burt Mi" A Hardy lot to Wire Witooe tea Mi Alloa 4 Mra Xewioa beat Mire Keened? Total lewre Mr and Hr I wun Mr' an I Mra tArth ir ani Mrs Mi Mitres Mr andM re Mr ini Mra A i Mr aid I hip jit jiir DOOLWA MILITARY BSXA The amraal tell ta coaMetioa with tbe Gxi'wa Troop at tha Sft Light Horae Regiment vaa be1 Drioter It The tail deemed la the attan ft tte regteest (black ate white) and a literal display ft buatiag waa ale mL Sweet pans GeraLilc wag piaai nl aaparagav fern were Mft for the dacaratoas of I be capper tabes which were ia durge ft the local branch Ito Dterict Trained Sumer Stelety Majol 1 JI Darby pnaented medals woo for mtuketry to Corpora Collet i and Trooper Cope Tte btopan at reprer ware Maadama Caa tt (prerident YS) BUta Sewell (aeere taryi Tates A Speeite and IsctingU The toeaie far tte art ur 3tr Redd wevad as a mete meat to give tat urataguoM to Nev Mouth Wahm pnsds Mr BhgMll roiaed a point ft artier that Mrh ns nmosdisfst would uscousti lumsaL Tktcbi7ma mid it eoftd be left to tli High Ctert to decij whether thsrataat wa wscanMiintiosnL Mr Agkta sugmtod seft ft pre tawm msg Naw South Wales ahaa taf wver ths Commonwealth th afwwmlth vr th Borpir and th quarrHW with Carmiu raLsens and shot the send bar bees confined to buiacw Hard mt at Bt Luci for either universitf ar park 111881 wero Dr James O'Neill Nays ate hi sister Mia Mayt ft Too wong aaid the spot wm a LcauLfft one embracing tine whole of one ft the moot ddigbtfal of th many bends in tbe rivr It wa tte doners' wish that the aito should ued for universtr purposes but failing that that it should he ted by tbe City Couacil as i piri WTQEBJC USDERS ASMKLtTKW Mra Bennett ete VfB MrhAfRT bt Mix (JiniluB in4 JIm oot Mira Beth ate Mm Caerta best Mta White and VOUm 6 fch and Wdktasim teat Gtrftem ate ate Hill rm bait Mhira 4 Kraaa and Ger ria best Arttat o1 hivJer xn rjSn roM 1 Bronett loet to Mra Gtrdbam 7 Mrs tebaler beat Mm 3 White 7 8 Mr GWertn tet Mra Williams 7 4 Botfe Job to GIMbaa Wilkfaraw Irat Arthur 1 Hillam txiui Lnfc i Nradamn Lyu (LgAramgl Kva (Giy yrtua Telnr) Canute (Glyw'g A Brogn (Knoa) huuuan ev) Brvgge (Dutih Cleanser) Mite Aiiy (ibcu) A jg'ey (Peruan Pim Wu (A au) Hunur (P Prinre) Pia rrvt) oay Su 'otf (Jocky Bond (Hockey Grl) jL Dowsing and Bngaa (Wayteeks) Wiuiaam (Char ord" wb Hrr ort Jet nan Harris iivaa Bcrwden ata TMilta ata mad eftogictie reference to tte departing ofikiaL Air de Bteinco fucmm ly 1 of tbe Kad aa braath who to to euneeed Mr Dwidsos waa wft turned by item pro tent la St Paul' sew partab tell If bight tbe Rovers ootball Club celebrated tte winning of tte tiarlrrre Shiftwork' premieri hip by conducting a netefy balL Musin was prorteed by tte Mrt Ptrto Dnc Orcbtara Tte following playrrs wcr handed gold medals for bonoes was Tte are: bridrtmald was Woof tviater ft tte bride) nhi wore a frock of whlia crepe da ebfa i wer ractal ft blue rduwr and carrtte poy ft aKa and blue BWn biibdT fpLllngg TLft VOOd TwlE 3 Mi AIe ferjhj (couq tU? Mid Up and and Mr 3 trftabnll rd Mr an! Mr A 1 Mr ai ll1 Ifc fr fl WnjJniiu Mr dNMht Tte OovaruiMt could re Mad apes to mfaguard th 8tatoa ertait NJMM ita Ineas to tte teat advantage ns vinbtwr for Locte Goveraawnt (Mr Uggmld) iaforwd Mr Arkin who Stated that Ch city council intends to porches mor (oeign mator earn that th Grstr Sydney Bill would contain atas to compel th ety council to giro tte mane eiresc ea shir aad Rte Gt birtbuay on Arij Jay During gamre were amused At 'll CMUluaira ft rap Er Mr tlnaby wbaed Mra MtKay aunv ppy reUrtia ft the day Among tbue ni uid Ivan II THE MELBOURNE SERIES Melbourne October Al tte wool niies diy the market for all ordinary er topmakerJ Merino wan nt a lower level of 3 is ent cucipared wila prices earlier in th month Very burry aad Canity dcirtins ata teRiea are aleo not making quite tho asm pricue earlier in tb anas season tte trade exerctoing much more discrimination ta Gk it pur ohaaes ft such Comebacks and fine roe bred met with good competition at un changed prices or the beat wool Auaeraca hue been is th market but only taking top value vbieh are full up to tte best ft the smea Tb srvst balk of th wool no far diupmed ft tea bees liiipd by the Continental suction rawe taking the biggest Anything allowing quality to ruil much ought after THE PERTH SEJM EE Perth Ostoter Twenty tbouenta bales were offered at the second woof sale of th reaoa Price rulsd compar with lhe lauiZt eataern market but were lower titan th rm Alerus Good pie ea woo if bewail (nd xleg Hotter Among Hum ere i were Major Doriey Mito TlHiitam Warrant 'Meer Aortas Capula A a Lorelfc LiratonaB KtatDy Clarice Stewart Uemenant tt ftt Carport Cft Ictl Tn rrt Cope tte mayor and maym ft Ltawa (Mr Mil Mra Joha EilriUe) Motdames Hilda KeU brick Uooto tack lacto A Sprarer tares A btairy Mr and rt Uon Mr nl Mra Mriutoso Mr and Mta airbairn Mra nt were Mrirlaarre Korkin Uall'diy illoon Halliday Hearer Prober: Halliday ind MeCullprii Mie flylre Hnne Elllcon and li nking ra rr liromin ci urr'll div Xriilv fl Hirvty Htmer Mn dtv 1 Bilney tkilv and M4'ail ch fan Bowdon Mr and Mr Brown and Miicbelt Mitctetl 3 Home fc aad Horas an at frewo repeat with the I'ommlvuan Mr Itonaldttra) Dr nl Mn Rlmrd Gol Mo Mr Mirtem (eluirm Boy flent Caaraittre) an Mra Mjr ahd Mr OUItoa Mr an Mr JcpU Bor Captan Brooks ohf ScoutmaMr HoreM A feature of Aorthy Du Moaner ha for aeveral miratte ben practising tbe Beryoni elev tnckl tatted ol' ftmiatg dseaoe Th morning be wao charged wth having ud tepK moer 17 no: then being a medkal pnektuoarr within the meaning ft tte Medical Act ft advertised nitnoeif as being a doctor ata wth having on Jone IS held himself out as a doctor Wayne A sad Brown were shni larly charged Th eomplamts weie laid by the Medical Board comp red of men bora ft th Britbh Medical A aoc itron Drown oaee waa aojourceu fendant said he bad been tor four months and lb board questioned li's degree Tte PM fined Du Manner on cbarg i wiui eoau1VM MZifM dW inotdl charge te wm fihed £3 or on tte aenteuee to be eoocurrcnt THE SYDNEY MARKET Sydney October Wfal sties weru b4 today lOftifi) bale wer cataivxned and including 'iriva transactions amounted to 11112 nla Tte market continued on a level with opening ft tte week Competition was fairly geueial and particularly fw fin quality lines The irregularity recently reported a buny broad and doubt ml yielding wl was again very noticeable Ctoadired ail lamb' woo! nude full late yatca Greaky Merino sold 27d per lb MvrcU Plaakatt EJom Clancy Jfaa Haalaa Mabel Jimaa ite Doarian Alm lark Eraia Kioaedr Doria Eiwreda Kitty Bruer Mfti Wilkure Micky O'Drton tern Catmftr Kaiblcon KeoMdy Mrir OBeiEy Bnftv Barr Imhri Donora Halm Scarry ifclva movaao rauca Tborare Dorio Goerene Gertte Cart Peggy Rjto rviile ItaUto tent Mflppy dote rSy Uia O'JSuUhaa Comic Halter Stell McCabe Pat Waits Dwria Bttate Marioiy Grave Lata Uilm Dm Katkteon Wateb Rita Roberts Irernie Laue Glbte NftBJaa Sauce Itritillirk Hargreaves Oweas Agaea McNamara Lilian Love Kuta MeGiilick Gertie Burne Jig Taftapaou Maltat Am Atert an! Yorns Mvure Keoady Neig LXQVIR1ES IX Ql EEXbLAXD Krtesoc Uctoter IP Alter bavirv oprot a week is 'rent Mr Martian nce hairniuti ft lav KnnnMnn and Mr Gunn a memter te th Lxra mimru will retnru tu Melbourne ttrirow Tte Commi vsion consdned two artetue th of ite Burn Dcwna ata Dawson Valley a tv I oi reasons the Dawson VaKey actem appealed moot to tte losimiaM uni it to understood that subject tho proval of the CiMnmrowrelth and tiah Government it wi'! a ptcd a an approval retain under Ina on agreement would mean that money kt a rate of irereot would be tn do available to carry tte scheme to an eib oemptetieo rrfflnfffBydto) Loped that Ite mpremu trftunal would aot be tMy eotnpoasd of orrlasiaftira Tbe cmnm for setting a ouprita tri bunal was agreed to Coomte (pnafttat) Hoskin (vire pretaenu Bamot: (ooens ftiy) umld (cantata) Cot (amoatatiim seerriaty) Waft A Rtiara Sydney October 19 Serious trouble threatened chrom'd tbe action of the Australian Worker I'nion in objecting to tte employment te a ganger on tlie road at Canberra It is allied that the ganger dimnissed a man ior click ing and that the enjjed at the road metal quarry izn mediate ceased work Tte mao wao reinstated in another gangn the ground that he ul not recevta warn tm Tte L' however ordered mvmbma not to woik under tbe ganger and thre gangs over which be had been placed downed tools Tbe ederal Capita! Cotnmtotiou baa de cid'd to stick to the ganger in a tigat whvli they etaX to agaiasjob control MASKED RONNERS Melbourne October Ito Two men who ww black maako and had iher cap pulled down over thoj ryes held up Mr Jfteliolas proprietor oi tte Strand Cafe Chapel street South Yun on Sanrr day maraiax be was rinsing the eaf? (C ad lu k) Mik uteen (Gipy) Mte Asm Bartte (Anbua prJtre) Mito inubij a rru (n Mw May SUiulu (aiaquer Mtt kv oa: (Grassy Chamberlain) Mw Dor Banwtv ccllrea) Mlu tamare (tiamrock) Him lo Wood (rrget Mlm reda Broun (no meretrike) Mr JLrriii (Iniim in: Mr 2 ooli (Oncnrri prlace) Mr ohva stoul: Iwif tb re prereui re Uyov gry ua 1'uJift (Pyrenes) Mr Hart (tepauvre tody) Kmmu (olly i Wullim tBarete Ai A Jolly (Briogv) Bote (Aaiaa) BriHM (Query) Ps (Gipj) Phibi i li (ottuoo) MUJt (Por tion Lady) A iuley (resch XtaOQt) Ketey letui H''rjrd (ftyy Atamr three ratat Mim Sore wlh Mr Kvren Sri Area Pierre Mte Aims Izrerb Mm Krily Mu Pk Mbe John Mjtv tetcter Ttu cft Mh Mn Jnhsxm Tranmevo dab Ottd Nra Lime HlMh Mra Caidwell ia apeataff tbe 1 jS rifted it succem for the year and estod th preatirnt to accept tw prime frao ter frr the be Ita and tb ether fir the nmate wy Mr ft Hall ata donated a prim Nl Om Watawpa gearared Mra Caidwell with a teoueet to rare and swre! 3 Aftera im tea wot ervei aftr Mra Cardwell bat played tte 8it ball I the 'Kolng reieu fje mra Mr Dilkaaui ft' prize teispl three ptereni won Metoataet Hall GCrimu Cartwefi faevra Jeh reva AiLlalili ame Ste'aw edlr Imarioa fam (Biysk) I lute ratal Stantlewoth Ciat Warner Wooler Gene Coopar Ritet: hilxsaa iteidirr Cevstuft Do fy Sam: Riahrawterr Siirewocd Mina Harris ffrre Seville Sctmtee Tilbrook Belli ir Uerkuret Siettlewretb Woolen Addem 'l unrem fljtat lfeil twird vf l'liarlin Ockeadsu Martomas Arthur t'ASrB AT KOOLf'SGL Oi Get ter la a dance as in Kvolans laaliiate ia ai! to Me Church to tend etriwberry lets Mr Muller wae of tho men preaaud tte muzzle te a rolir against Mr Nienolas's body while the otter took a bt cemtauung th money from hi pocket The police have not yet obtained a definite eine to th identity te th banditn Early am Saturday morning Mr Brader Riler te Priuccsnuftect Kew re Kted to the police that a tow minutes mo midnight as he was on bis way bom from Brighton was stopped in Balney stroet by two men uiie of whom asked for a match Aa Mr ItiJcy put hi A CYCLtSTS fiKULL RACTURED On Sunday Mr John Hotaer of Inrry may uv Auburn Victoria wae ril ng a totecw ryele along Rhraradato road Upper Hawthorn when struck th step of an etoctrie tram Th cyd swerved out of control ata struct tte rad of a msaiag motor rar Nr Btenrr wm admitted to bespits! with a fractured akali ata otte injiwtoe COMING OP AGE Ths resident ft Mr Mictel Pierre Chir avenue rews lie wa the at a driichtful party ea tectrfay nizM Mr PPrre raSerutei larva numb to fab eldrot Unghiet (Kora) friral ta relrbra fx cmlng te are Aa rlaborat i tn an4 Inateifal nd ream re jrated (Ire and tjh! TU Irawinj Oarfiner Hraaraay tattb and Greig The fadyaa (Mm KmiaMy Mr Mid: ma Mr mr ft flammari and Mr Breen brrg ft Booleroa Centre) awardel lire ing BcM lady's cretuam Mn eulh (Clsepatra) Mn Siaidt (Orlta djacee) Bt iia'imi Mr Martin (India prin Mr Graliam Whi's (coon prince) Mrec rigtiiri eoasome Mr Scrivm (Vuels flam) Mua Ttelaa ace (mas pte) Hom tamorow Mr Marti frea (earscrMt) Mr Bvd Arthur (Daw) Vvltsias MmptaUrei Mr Spratt sad Mi Pre Cnp dance Mr Uewftya Batea Mr Conway Mr te Rai br of friend ta eeiabrau tte cramtag te tg to their nn Artbitr The deenraitoa were rar red on: In bine and gold and Island ppPit Tbe supper tabta were decorated with ke Iite puppies and mallr hair far Imang thou pteren: Mr Mr and Mr Wdk ns Mr aal Mi 1 Crd( Nr a Mr )InM bk Nr ate Mte risia Mr ate Mr Dare Bute Mr Mr and Mrs 0 tilt Mr and Mrs llar Ur and Mr Jeffery Mr Il tfre inn tn A fir at a Cbristchttrdb apartmebt bueproud rapidly ata thren inmita cncapod ia their nizbt attire In tte ull Court at Wellington tte bearing wa begun ft th argument uu tiin Waitaid Dairy np ation for an iajutietion to restrain the viry Prodac Control Board from aawming con trol ft butter and cbeen manufactured lor mpsrt end selling them Tb pony ante that it right to hand! prre nd Mr 3 Lir Mr aid Mr Gum ya aaa arw Kijht Mr and Mt Power Tbodsy loft Power Nortey tat to Kerley A Tn terth brat Perk 1 Talisnd teal Liev mon prredra ie tcllowui efflc wire elec' th eireuinv ar Mr Prsberi ce craidto: Mr tru te Brows Aoi le ate Prtort irtll ur Mestra Llethnua nd Ho NrCoUora Ms KiimLi rar Mra I ftjl mere ra Mt (myHerii Ma A lecker I w4r pta) Xr VI? Morphy (Gl Mr Bros (Anbau priacem) Mto ris Har un (Indian pruuv i) Mn vrva (Yu America) Min Kitt Martin irreler fleu) Meo Tlielm oo: (awgpie) Hua Prar cri illzht) MIm Kconriy (s aa igit) Mi Marfarie ftoodlr (u hoalU i) Mire lo Urva pg) Him a Brawn (Egyptu pr a eve) ALbd Bijvb MIn Vt4 ItaHsKt I reUr) Mi Keth Bria (ArlUn ianerr) A Cr wby fl Po and Btacu hjit Mre IMtcratti Ki'ler Manner irt Me Kay 11 tyje A lriv trivia Pa ren Moor Ptre toy 1 aud Butler and Paler and Paieno GCTHBERLET WOO At fte Ka gar btei: Chare! tabr Che mnLg cel brjod ol krirlv eld ret daughter te Nr snd Mn It ft Kaixarllla cu bert lunge 4 Mi Guthterle: ft Englaut Th Nev 4 a ofioUAd and Mn Thorpe preside 1 rhe ga i Th bride bj a a ir her faiher ware a Ir rt te adk gadetted tae oyer mr ein and a veil wito a coranet of orange bloaaoa sad pearl merit Bte cirrL fRE PAUTY AT tDlXA i) enlng progwtove ochre i rer it ie rc: rre te fr t1 Mrsrej av'iiu Kreil i ui nne' nn popular (e re (K rii i ana I jr Mr Marie wrat Kennedy MrKnire riiwmA G'teriy WCkiaa aralllv Lswaaa 3 Mayto Hirrtao Ty! Vooda A Scjetaey TurbU Jam aller Cawala i Kaya A McArihur JUymeta A Bate Pl ankc tt McXaaua Vita Naltir Deuovaa Baker I ViUiam Welfare Dateny Ataersoa Rvaa Cart Them itzgerald I Wllran A Krate 3 ury Do: Cllgred (TMeilly IL dime a OGirmaa KUey Jay Huppaia Martin al Muogbtoa to Arthur Cdtofte 1 ie? tramro Bwieroo 4 efts gman Milan versus latilro Mlm Anal Merer and Him Roby Howard (M) Htt ta Him Mar Wil kms aad Ml Eriftnna Mten Mte Bowden end Wire Elsa Ccmer tet Mi Ver Tni ter and Mr Jf Hewta I Mta Roberts and Mbe Cremer brat Mrea Ethel Th Nr and Vrt Klose Mr Rowctt M3e Narjftle and Metvie Ctrter Ml: tell Knight Ilereta WIk' i Elnre Smith Klree Gate Cnt Randall Baker Tremaia 3 Corp 3 Ben 7 Bratt Rnt Mre borar Knight Caoper A KI Kioto Clifford garlt on Jarksra Mert'n 3o a Millar ran pete rirerehrnl wetbrre 73 aoiat end aomsteefc wtbra fr M't bro roretored cww IB' 18 lane trerdlo Mu ly Bri nroa Mreiirr Ry MUtori Mamwr iliti tteuMto'M'w Dwtolle Gamhllnz Nt'S Owen Warh tertv tfn'bn! LuiJ Mlm Eritoe Chandler MS Ella Grrr Itater Walft Mire rhCnnd Mlw dean lladge Mr in! Nr an aad (5 fl rt Mr and Mr A Houre end Mra Itran nd pj'al hss II Re'to eltu Mr 'r1 Mr tartar and Nr 1 RetUareay Mr anJ Mrs Pitchers Mr White Mra InilMd Mr Mr Ne3ger Mr Rr wn Mn A onib Mra Madteaa Mr Kennedy Mr Th' Mr IHlre hurae kjn Wure Ire itch and Kiei A Bail I Huff! I ietlmt Ward (2) Jxv Duffeld Biarkirt Irene Barner Myra buIz Qiap mn i iltove Twigdcn Ketuu ly fltoc A oulU Kcreaa Dawaoa Arthur A oote 8 Zar telly Md' Nemn and flteimMt I tn flalway I and Aiexanb Kvd reer ktaanifer Hall Ueavlya 3 Richter Jacob Rosenoeij Monn rd Gro (bapmaa Mil'? Ge 1 Bun Earl ate Wir'l Dsn re Brawn Spratt Strtodley Daa lioe Miter A Brer Il Beicteirin Mftlenfir Pawson MU0E OUTLAY IN VICTORIA Melbourne October )fl A report tablad in th Legtolat ve A aoniuly toiigiit diecloae that tte xal coat of illing 8438 returned aolii ii the land a Victft to win in cliining tbe purchase price oi tbe liu op I inten te i kaara Arrcar ft pvnon' nr Nr Era Hritoman Bird nj Mr and Mra jiida Mr ewi irilm Mr and itid Mr Ea art Be remo jy revqvfc a Temperance Hill DAhCkl AT CALT0W1E filu tiflM Wtoto pebt fiitordfij Memorial (Bore den Ktte1 :) etab wre ren dered a oemplimnuty hr Mayor and Miyjrem ft Hfterairft (Mr aud Mrs Nivdb) on aattwlay atrii: The gri wharing erateat ran Rj pdp tone and the cnwlag eraieat by Mr Cta ate Mr A Thady te Me Layton Ton daactug tall eaa tmt waa wea pre Mlm Rimra Morieal hideS'! Waa wo by Kmea McGeotge Laar and Mr Larton Mr lflai HBniiMRt aT te 1 an assure tnd 11 HiuRkin ritesMta teo'J a row bowl for being the be: urili piaytr dur ing ths aeaaon A moalral and eloeutnnuy pro gramme ware carried em by Meadaaaaa Hracm aad Baaart Mtaa McGeoue Basret Wanhlay and 0 Sica Mer Warrell Cos and A Rime Thom prexa: lacludtd: Minaej Gwea Stoaaa Lylla Jtao Eda Bavaert Laurel Las' PhyU McGeorta tea Worthier V1CTG1 HARBOCR BOTUMO CLfB Mayor (Mr A Grwtcor) te iatr Mr Good Up wpo ouc4 s2k bovl 1a the Victor KarJo jr fiveo oe pw tew dettoite KM lao nrogrM ef tho eox m'4 ajo tao Kuh aeabero totaled only soday were U2n Tbej ped oa ruiko io todftj tbojr bO Tho of £37a pa tue the £109 Mr Mjrrte hd potrd tho on r' nojw faH jp Jt tJe cai ftjrol iwwy iu Tta cf ALLEGED ILLEGAL OPERATION Continued from Pag I) ate Mr Emery Mr tairiagton wra Nt (teeKs Inn Malta Mr Coult Mr Emetv Mr Barrfag jm Mr and Mr nry Nteea A Graham BUey aud Madge Th bride's travelling dnw waa apricot embrutoered veile with blaek erinXlrre to aprk ot velvet ribb and taw re stack ng atoe mi TluJ iu Li tea ft Uae Lrxie aad bndegreim i st hut WOO At the Metta! rhiu eh on If1 'w daughter ft Mr snd Mr Bunf of EacgarllU re marrttd iliam youurt xa of Mr and Mra Bidtie ft Ptoepeci Tbe brde whoAS away by ter father waa aaunei ia a frock ft refatn ailk crepe te chte ti mmel wtl peanre sb wofB 4 ri ud tachmi to pvra with cprars ft orang blouum oa th aboped edg ft bori Tbe red arrangj at the back of head an Usenet wth a corvrtt ft orang bloeiom The bride ol bPO Mil ptek 1WN AOd frn w'b white silk aireawrs A tiny gin Sod tey (cmmlas ft tlw bride) proreetel tbe bridal party op the aiale ft the tburr 1 an 1 another tiny girlie (olree ft bridegroom 1 pia red a honeaho and it tb bvle'a arm te ah fl church Th brilremiid Miu era Bl'ay ware Mo lk cren de chine rmmed wtth Uce and golf ribbore urenmerv and carried a bonquet of pfak an white treraa re th atrearaor to match Mr Ray Golder waa bed mt Mra vr Thorpe mraifad at the organ and tbe Rev fl Jew nflalated JWtr fM tb bridal PAy and i few ffefife ntwael tu tbe hw ct the PTfn th bcAkfat wa eW TW Wife left ftw Wr fvtwe feock rmjwtecm kie criteaed viU tuH til ft Orient 9 nbruLIery IB at the KangariUa Metbodi Cbarch Miro Basel Woft ora aeetsd with a pretty pink and lut're teaset and pyres Slab by Mra Thorpe oa bete ot tW fefntt tW ktefeffrten cbHdrra Nd troehroa priar ta bar marrta to Mr Biddle teacher tor mhey and I Davis beat Nt Allee tad Mn b'e 0 Mia Allen ad Mr Cr heat Maeu Htoir and KoUe Nitor Tr'ttbcnh and A Dart beat Mra Baerakan and Mr and a Mr and Mr tmeat ata Bradford operating mc choice Jots going to Amercs id In 4 was alow the opeoinx but improv'd materia ly a the xale advanced and a good eletrnto was effected Mera mads to Md Ptrert fv iroa Eburv Kelly Brld wn BUrklry jirifti Hemi Brinc Mr aniiieiary Mt Billie) Marlcat Items anf rev! id M'v j1wv1 were rendered br Miro fljlvia Berner Mr Mr and Mrar Lra Hemer IL Ellte Mrtul hl 1X a A 1 i patamioo Hie hand etv to Glenelg tteporalita Th repot Rrenlft gill 11173: debit Ulaaere XI Tin Hr end Mra ml ab Ur Mr eel Kirjy Mi Iz vetak Mr and Mr rfc nn Mr aad Mra Hol tti Mr Abe! PETERBOROUGH October la tiro Poiacw Covt before Nr Hinde SL Alio Aami GdL licensee of the Junction Model wa cliarrd th uvia failta tatr tte register UxLrere properly Beptetabv Hi Ur St Kelly BpBfftd ft the defence The ifcrmtio wn din miroed th £3 eoat th polx Th mayor (Mr Beta) who vii weleraned bv th fidrot (Mr Eon Both) dechrta th temni enurt open for th season 8tntaw Aftre neon tea was dtoprnata by th ate alfaned 14 taya tad the moeev WIUJAH IOWS La Mr Tbo teroti wte rt oa Gftote ww parte tte tate ramdeet Iharu term Bead to district for upward ft yean Ab wan bora ig Cqyqtj bb to tte Varth I I an Jaaaani I Ml ta mta I wdt tore are aAre L'topim They Bota at Cterat ter A a na wm martMd TbM Ngtato toei fib left family tt te fianffhlar 4 jj ku oae waitofte ta nwfa gruadehfidrM Tte hMm Mw Ce (Uaiiriili) Mr i I SI NOV LNNfNN MIN CYOMMfY Mihn Ort torn tested with whip to riw of fl hnkar'a eart rd Gary (ID ctofth '5M (set ha hto tom wtetota rta HIM HroKIted itelit ateg ItotaeMrtft Ife tta (50 toy with a toaate ata Kaferh Pa teter ata hb4 tor UttM ton te beta Ite tte auar "te aad Gsrsy fata wta tn toiaw ree taW te whip fM and toHrtul te lev tte toiyr Tte ter Mi to te ntani mJ wm tatem bam by te mat On cm to bbta and te otte tod thft JH on te pamad abmrt rt fe SH tement at rwceipt and aiuiali site tto am month of MN tewed etimatW oMdittN far te T53 ft WM £Jte awM ng one luran arotam l' taaB ywmekr When matoi to ncteff Sb i dwt tto d4 tom nM 41 I Tte rmiton Lfl hrooto a diftralt period re sTfiyriSte Th overdraft bunm Jft ift a Rapa ft fa saafftrime ft rote frefa Mtokb I aa fa failoniag taf hg th AR Barta teM TJ re te ten to Baes Htoa roaatiy ffaaA far mBro to tea rate Tte raa toGtenaaa garfg to Ml tea Gtoteea to te Rtete goad Matoirefc Wetor teM am raawfa tnqfr VHtoa Tte 4w note gtem as jxt: ttrtizs Clio rate cfarteto YateHUa te Bofaroroara te Tift fata tour aramt to Saariragat tom toartmra a YmkrtflC Rente Bate fftaAtete rate fa rate pafato cOwte faro Tlrter totem am per ta Nte3 Vale flmro steft tara CM (a 4 wm rangh poteta MroBaao mft Ctoroln ti tote ffte mN tow sate MfahK CBeav to Ctaatea rate rate: to rifin tow rate patem to raawto Caroatetp to tosdra wry rough fa aitrtro ira reta tearefe Brim a re re IM WN WteBB Btefite atotete 1 em fMfl mn anamt jBONTMfit CM teat 1JN te CratefB fetes to AiAmn terf ravfe Mr m4 Utm bf to tafefetete Ire wxa feHx to te fefeteto I Mate tete te BMtewtefa ft Oto to mte tea Bata tofa ate 'Y ra ateta are Gneauig Gordis KaguL Tlay tota tap 7tai BriManaB Nhj to Atatate Bfartl Kca Green Ml Wive Kagat Buy race HanH HoaM Btear te fa rote BMto Gm mg Doug Gnesmc tog ata Swim Bbfe te Mm to tea farate rara Rte Tlhca Joyea KageL Theae Ugged Pl Btotar ftot to Ateito race Harold ant Doug Groaerag Linda Omrong mrl Baran raL'f toatefa rttet roiaia race mouy wrerang to Brtroi ffaed I ravtofa vmy rote: to Thread tha areetia roca Grote Xadtore rt torn (aoadl in nrfR cfaro Lroda te Jaakteteff tab te tacit ate to kro Ktear tferttetatf mA MM knfwHMraMNl tea a ME IMfeMfc VM W2 feMte tt QNTK fftaMtotoi Bdba Mi Bfll lraia er has bran pcevaUrag fa the pa fait ft vfa Haf Rmfae te Vaatero rate The cram grew well dsrireg the wmro fa toaro Mn rata te sate la bta ten which praeete tarn Ih rtteMii mar Iateiwnri OM Neilfagf a Nate hm tet ea ch 4k eteita aft te to Nutete lat rtatiro aete: toCta tara Bte rttN iM hrow Nitetoray raft wifa me ate fah wta la unto peat taro Htogstcn frra HMtoto to fK GWrecore he iarh en ctat atete are w4 rteta Afteraooa tee la ite tartptoria Aagnero te Ti Gtear btraroag Church lan te Uy avmmg thre Millies te (Ros to Step Croft gte ta Igadufc te LyMta Pareon ft Mdlumi) dedicate the ww brite rate aspair (UM te touafa ate tet caakuro table has recmtly hero pev Troataa ante la Xtarote rate ate i ne enures ay tac am rr roremamta Kapmte te kra ro Raracte arpori to Xateote I Omni ft fan to Rm grata te mote faro Grote Mtevte fateL te to i te te fl ribley three far 1 tad erase tate talart te far: to Bateta road te Mdlbaros te tor wift eetf 9tta fartroi tante te t) Bowing tftewte rate I ateaa mmrotolirra tem Irote: wroa: Gliroaa ail tteraa tote teteb totefafiSMn Creak Bs nOro toa Buteta roatteta mb A atate to Ite far tetefa is Ore Inter Bar ft ate te Bate roftt te Nroroate manta rate anstul rootts reran heft to art ft th fant toaatag ptoroa tou Th oHclal were: Piiaifaai Me ft Protnefe fa Brtftltore te Grrare aroe preartte Mr Bitelro Basta to Batete NW atek 4M teft ukira MeaiTjL ft Mayete Barites fair to Bteblara fftoftte toM a toeeirorto te tertiA i th ptefaaftvte Tach Paterola Maateft te Bte MteNftft i rt aerontary Mbs Mtaft BaUsur Hiram a lgfftu tert ta Cram: tatateanam ten ate to toaihk nsev aaatei to team Urts Htete and faftot moteey tag to Brot Wahtetft te tete torero Mr A 4 Amro Ramin MrodiJ to dgwateaft tfareka mtofta tote Nrafab ra Bare a boos rasroero Ttaawi ra rreros re Btasarewqtelm ft Viibatm BroRA fagHtaB JsM) to terns teto te 8tote tSisare Jonas Hmrfiw Tim i fain to nateuhb rate to fio a raasy ureaiagnav mas mroaaatoa ra tuBuaign to aaft setert cate araiwroi to rstb Omsk te to tarotrortfa oe Haadkan gaM: to CbesteBto nWk Grifarort Bte aHay te Mate T1 Nte MW B't Boy Wilhelm Mateu aroy jte: to Batts Btfl rote to Ifate tarn) Neto an ate BBL fata to 1 Piro Amw a to Btotote mft Btewte fata ta 0 Veit tola I ra HnmraL satea to tte vaDa naaft Pag Biftte Vat A ana Bara Bate te Bate ato ra ite Bi rare ws brtd ta tbe teitwee to th a rofag Btererah toMp raM to Nate Haatet ante Me fl Grana wm eh a tea Item ro fa gtaMK to CraMte Stefa te to Bnb fine by Min A Praay Mr ahmracte Nta ftsaeft graft ten ftg teratfMrbrasr rata te sate raratare rora rtsro Mman fate Th MMa Brorfta stetitte ra ffae Miro ViRtaaa vtth dte were: N'ro Craw tdll NM and Min Metta as A taee Me ft Cnn tote the MC te (RNteh A Sharite te Bmrara ft LngZT! fehU Mr mi 3 11 yr Id 1: was decided pmihreai weNwaem mx cutter tx the lares Uuarto 81 was peoroised xi the meeting The opeatag enea 7 yf meny will take piae Oeubec Tb tTL? vanft merilag ft tbe teetttata waa taM Nr yy ZSw Sf re ra ill trontpi wn ranrora raarote wm ma ora ta fc ate tatete to ta rotate ft BA taa wst erata taartff sgrttete harogroad (tea aro Mte mte rare te a apiereffii rarota ft rareft A ante ettro earoa ta icai SLirou 1 BM rora MB rora Halrore aad PnaelL al i fefaraMffptera rnnat tewara a start ta mm sate brate I great bswftt to tarn MiroftuTte te Aatlftte I tt 1 sari1 ftr to taarnte ta eoetro drieiag a roo rar wtth iaatetet fa Zfclghra te foe uftawtaQy oatog trodte £AAYMM Nrttaro gtehrt pw: te was Ira a taro rowans cr ro mevuoa ara IAJ eosu He alsa pleM ta earn srraelna Wld Wss ttad 10 wtth tavon scogra mm frourac rara item Puliro paftteS SB a tteft kajUW Bill Btete tbrtmort 8 IS IM te antra to te tra arorara propgnmafa aa it nu tototeff to ata ft ray'iim oe robra ta are qta tea cantte ft rttor tte agratag aaasrarom tert fa ta Nemretfi Mail teift ro tate wrenM te pSSte te ta i he aewmtatttm 4 medals Baarem Artrarto roOsd to ta Mara ra Ore ro raa ma urare ro ra farabeoft Blitertiro plate ft bran oft toyw Mr rom wa area mao ta afaeata SBromro to te rotewy wm staid ro ite tto al Iman MBs atwwre tua ratero tw rasa ag mrt meds te tte mma ron to secrete a rada' rt mrotte ago bad eGete te pop faV ta asm prea nted by BiScbend ft WUtotatowu ft terror tb nmaa fagrefbaft tore ta HaraMSl for tte heel ptoyer in the team Mr fan re Beard ted roraii tte waaib Ite ta anta membee at the Orae I llium's ten rald te fmnrtad wtoteel faW' Il TO ta xll BSD WNJV TTU NJ if TDft tt WWft 19 WTTW VO Wi fel Wto WM toM tw tto Ito tofeMBto 0 Ofe I'to to Mitt i tost me totofw ir nj Mn MMf Mta tot ttototototoi itoBtoto totto mm 341 cMb tto tort MtortM tee bto 1 tfeto tort to feHrtto tot to Oct iher It ta fctrerfa mutemaft taoroa tend otato tete ta Mr ani Mr 8 cg ft ths Hwiaft Im was rotate to wte to ta tata give tbe Noor reic faefftlera a bangwt Hw ft tto Irogai with a ntew to htote tto ua berog rmier of tte Sooth ten rost er pfoeta tefaw tb dtgrtasM oreratofa A plrosrat raw Jig ww can I BfftHBIBIWM Baaabro ift te meta rl 7 IM Aaroog th apeahfs wns tatf ia ft Peso fa3 BMSte (eepc:) Slzgiaa Drat I to MB fareroeB to te art tea M4 MM fa ta "Be nLral VftTh teM ta rofa lactata pabli ftta Urate ft tteteok far thro ran tate reaetab ra tara bar itartimi is titeTireWW am a tew Maroa ww taro to Mm fateta aa ifixro lint teys na Ban tauter ftaaaftetafa) fare frew (Wte 1 yRlro Sasaad toyN tote ftrftfal fc Brom rod Mfa ftfa Bstata Benftar nl rofa (fcaft tertam) te AM Me brew Mewtarj 3 fan fetearo grero ta Nrosta (touro ate rt eauk Lembrat ft ftsitattmt Nto A teftftflfiMlb ew cter ent Vital ta taro (ft bate) ta TNta MfiM ftttfw INfft MBH NltoV A ntN rw tort wvfeh te 2 to Ltayd rite) ta Cbrop (ta MQSm orde Mr Neoroft pwnM mrtM SWM Ntae ta Water tefeftM ft tte ta te to Mftft tett ert i yM Boy fe'ch Men to Mb's te ftortw Ito sSStStolB P8JT rT ijiftiifa i wwww IWWNW fefeW Wrtrt lui lriii vn Ilt 5jrTla term eUte Bsooft te Ite BZ 1 reft Bam Lfayft UcyL Tfll I VCta ta NA 425.
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